Seduction Coach: “How To Get First Date Sex More Often”

The Most Surefire Way to Get First Date Sex–Are These Common Dating Mistakes Killing Your Chances?

Click Here to Discover My “Game Plan” That Takes Her From “Hey” to Your First Kiss… 

It’s extremely frustrating for a date to go well… only for it to end and nothing happens.

You can feel like you did everything right, and the girl may still leave with no indicator she’s into you.

So what gives?

The problem is, after a date, it’s hard to tell where it went wrong exactly… or if was even your fault at all.

This makes getting a second date pretty difficult–let alone ending your first date in sex.

In my experience, one of the easiest ways to get past this obstacle is to understand a few common–but deadly–dating mistakes, and how to avoid them.

Because by avoiding some crucial mistakes, you can nearly double (or triple) your chances of getting a woman to sleep with you on the first date.

But before I show you how to end more of your first dates in sex, I want to introduce myself…

Hi, I’m Glenn Pearce–and as part of my new series, Ask Glenn, I’m answering all of your most difficult, burning questions that keep you up at night.

And today, I’m answering this one:

“How do I have sex on the first date more often?”

dating mistakes

In this video, I’ll show you how to get more first date sex by avoiding these common dating mistakes, PLUS:

  • The best way to get out of your own head and enjoy your dates…
  • The truth about why some women don’t say “thank you” when you pick up the bill (and what to do about it)…
  • How to escalate your date so it ends with sex nearly every time…
  • The secret to knowing when she wants you to make a move…
  • My personal experience with getting first date sex, and why it’s probably easier than you think…

How To Get Out of Your Head–And Into Her Bedroom…

The biggest issue Dave was facing on his date was overthinking…

It happens when you read a lot of dating advice.

It happened to me in the past…

A little over a decade ago I was obsessed with reading every shred of dating and sex advice I could find.

As a result, my brain was jam-packed with this kind of information, which sounds like a good thing… but it ended up doing me more harm than good…

Every time I spoke to a woman I froze, because I was too in my head… I was constantly analyzing, and overthinking every little detail…

This is commonly referred to as “paralysis by analysis.”

The solution to this pesky little problem is simple…

Just come up with a game plan, and stick to it.

In this example Dave’s end goal was obvious, he wanted to sleep with her.

If he just knew how to touch her properly, he could have turned her on… they possibly could have made out, and he might have even gotten to sleep with her.

Well, I have a game plan for you.

This is a short and FREE sequence of videos…

That will take you from “Hey” to your first kiss.

And once you follow through with this game plan she’ll begin to view you as a sexual partner, and not just a guy she uses for a free dinner:

Click here to get the “Game Plan” that takes her from “Hey” to your first kiss (and possibly even sex)…

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