“She’ll Come Faster, Harder & Will Feel WAY More Pleasure” New Study Says About This Surprisingly Easy Sex Technique…

female pleasure
Give her a mind-blowing orgasm she will never forget…

Discover The Scientifically Proven “Secret” For More Female Pleasure & Better Sex (For Both Of You)…

Click Here to Discover 3 Rough Sex Moves She’ll BEG You For Again & Again…

There is a lot of mystery surrounding female sexuality, and rightly so. 

We’re complex, with changes happening in our bodies throughout each day, month, and year. 

Naturally, scientists, sex researchers, and psychologists are still making new discoveries about everything female. 

As we carry out more research, we can understand the female body and psyche better all the time. 

I’m pretty excited to share what I’ve recently learned about female orgasm… what I’m about to tell you can lead to serious sex breakthroughs!

THE LATEST: If She Does This With Her Body It Means She Wants You BAD (Most Men Totally Miss This!)

When it comes to female orgasm, not all are made equal. 

Sometimes they can be pure magic, while other times they burn out part way through. 

Sometimes they come easily (pun intended?) and sometimes they refuse. 

I know men can get self-conscious when a woman doesn’t orgasm or doesn’t have a powerful one, but it doesn’t only have to do with the man’s technique. 

There are so many reasons for women not to orgasm, from emotional state to the relationship with the partner, to what day of the month it is. 

Wait what. Back up. The day of the month makes a difference?

Researchers Used an Ultrasound On the Female Clitoris & Here’s What Happened…

Thanks to new research published in the Journal of Sex Medicine, we’ve  honed in on a key detail that could shed a lot of light on your sex life. 

This study definitely surprised me–I didn’t know that you could ultrasound a clitoris to determine its size and blood flow. Fascinating. 

The study showed that the clitoris changes size throughout the month. 

You may not be able to tell with the naked eye, but the growth is not insignificant! 

The clitoris will swell by 15-20% on a particular day of the cycle. Can you guess which one?

If you’re well-versed on women’s monthly cycle, then you would probably have a good guess. 

Mid-cycle, everything ramps up. 

SPECIAL: This Simple Card Game Makes Any Woman Fall Deeply in Love With You (Click Here to Get It For FREE)!

Sex appeal, sex drive, and yes, clitoris size. 

Day 14 is a juicy day (if she has a normal 30-day cycle, that is).

When the clitoris size increases, it also becomes more sensitive. 

Orgasms will come more easily and powerfully.  

It will be much easier to arouse a woman on this day. 

Here’s What I Can Say About Orgasm Intensity Based On Personal Experience…

I’ve totally noticed this in myself. 

I call it being “activated” when I feel sensitive. 

On some days it’s like no one is home. 

But in the middle of my monthly cycle? Damn it’s sparkly down there. 

During mid-cycle the hormones estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing (LH), follicle stimulation hormone (FSH), and testosterone are at their peak levels. 

TRENDING: 3 Shocking Rough Sex Moves She’ll BEG You for Again & Again…

I like to think of this as the “nectar” we read about in Greek mythology. 

These hormones make us girls feel like goddesses. 

We feel more confident and playful, more able to be present and sensual. 

(If you’re looking to turn her on fast, try this stimulating touch sequence.)

You can’t just look at a woman and know for sure what part of her cycle she is in. 

However, if you pay close attention, then there are definitely some signs. 

3 Signs She’s More Sensitive *Down There* That Most Men Totally Miss…

Women tend to be more outgoing, energetic, and even more attractive in the middle of their cycle. 

Tissue around the eyes and cheeks even CHANGES to make a woman her most attractive during this time. 

This is of course because nature’s intention for sex is to lead to babies, and a woman is most fertile in the middle of her cycle. 

If you find a woman magnetic, it’s possible that she’s releasing pheromones that tell your primal body that she is fertile and feeling frisky. 

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If you have a consistent partner, you can and should get very familiar with her cycle. 

Knowing where she’s at hormonally can help you judge how to interact with her. 

It can help you understand why she might not be eager to jump in bed or why she wants alone time. 

It can also help you strategize–set up dates around her most aroused time of month–day 14 baby. 

It Doesn’t End There…

No matter what day of the cycle it is, a woman needs to be prepared for orgasm. 

While men are a little bit faster to get up and running, most of the time women need to take it slow. 

If a woman is not feeling sensitive, she may need a little more love, perhaps a massage before you get going. 

An orgasm can almost always be coaxed out, but it is much nicer when it comes willingly. 

SPECIAL: Do You Know the 7 Signs She Wants You BAD?

Take your sweet time and don’t put any pressure on the situation. 

Women need to feel relaxed and trusting to really be able to have their most powerful orgasms. 

Remember that every woman is unique and cycle lengths can vary.

For some women it might be day 12 or day 18 that is most juicy.

And before I forget… did you know this science can actually help make YOUR orgasms more pleasurable too?

Here’s how:

“She’ll Come Faster, Harder & Will Feel WAY More Pleasure” New Study Says About This Surprisingly Easy Sex Technique…
If you want her to get addicted to you sexually try this…

Here’s How This Science Can Help You Last Longer & Give You Harder, More Pleasurable Erections Too…

When more blood is flowing to a woman’s genitals, her clitoris becomes more engorged… everything feels more pleasurable, and sex becomes WAY better…

Did you know the same is true for guys too?!

Which means when you have good blood flow, you might notice you can get it up faster…

This also means you can last longer during sex… (since more blood flowing throughout your body = more oxygen to your muscles = more stamina!)...

And you’ll probably also find your own orgasms feel a LOT more pleasurable…

… or at least that’s what I’ve heard from the guys I’ve talked to about this anyway. 😉

The bad news?

Until now, the only thing that reliably worked to boost a man’s blood flow were dangerous prescription pills…

However, recently an older guy I was with turned me on to this “no-pills” solution for MUCH better blood flow.…

Just add these 5 scientifically proven blood flow-boosting foods to your diet!

Here’s a short, powerful presentation that shows you what these foods are…

… where to get them…

… and how to prepare them for MAX hardness and pleasure:

Click here right now and discover how these all-natural foods can boost your blood flow… get you as hard as a pipe… and keep you that way while making sex feel better for you←

P.S. You can even feed these foods to your woman as a pre-sex “snack” to make both her orgasm AND yours more pleasurable… it’s a win-win 😉

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