3 “Safe” Ways to Flirt At Work & Get Laid (Backed By Science!)

3 “Safe” Ways to Flirt At Work & Get Laid (Backed By Science!)

New Research Suggests Flirting At Work Is Good For You–Use The Proven Tips Below to Pull It Off (Without Getting In “Trouble”)…

Click Here to Discover 7 Secret “Sex Signs” She’s H*rny & DTF (That Most Men Miss)… 

You may be surprised to hear that researchers are finding that flirting at work can actually reduce stress, rather than increase it.

Of course, there are definite limits to how far you should go with flirting.

Otherwise, it could be your a** on the line.

CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO: These Subtle Touch Tricks Get Her Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed (Even If You’re “Just Friends” Right Now)!

Just as there are boundaries and signals you must be aware of for flirting, so too are there effective strategies.

This article will help to take the stress out of flirting at the workplace for anyone.

The Basics of Flirting At Work The “Right” Way…

Let’s begin with what you should know first. I’m talking about the ground rules.

Besides the actual policies in play at work (which you should do your homework on), there are unspoken rules to flirting in the workplace.

Every workplace has its own culture when it comes to flirting. And you can probably figure this out just by paying attention to your coworker’s behavior and general gossip.

Appropriate flirting at work is entirely dependent on “office culture.”

Even so, unless you been living under a rock, you must be aware of how the #MeToo movement has changed the landscape of romance in the workplace.

BRAND-NEW: 3 Secret “Touch Tricks” That Get Her Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed (Even If You’re “Just Friends” Right Now)!

With the outpour of women decrying sexual harassment, you must be sure that your flirting does not come from a place of authority over another.

Even if your subordinate seems like she is enjoying flirting with you at the time, there are too many variables that can confuse body language signals and lead to unwanted consequences.

Likewise, having sex with coworkers can make things quite complicated as well.

Since many relationships not only don’t work out, but also end up leaving one or both parties worse than they started, it is with good reason that many offices have policies against such relationships.

After all, who wants to be dumped and be reminded of it every time they go to work?

The Facts (And How Flirting At Work May Actually Be Good For Your Health)

For all these challenges, however, the research still finds that flirting at work is more than a little therapeutic.

According to a 2019 study from Washington State University, casual flirting between colleagues actually reduces the amount of stress in the workplace.

(Casual flirting is defined here as non-harassing behaviors like coy glances, sexual storytelling such as in innuendoes or jokes, and compliments on appearance.)


Flirting helps to relieve stress because, as reported by the study’s findings, those who are frequently flirted with indicate a higher level of psychosocial resources.

This is a fancy way of saying that they feel better about themselves.

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Since there is often a lot of stress to begin with in the workplace, flirting may serve a necessary protective function between coworkers.

It can potentially increase their confidence…

Provide distractions…

Build relationships…

And harmonize the work-life balance.

Intriguingly, the authors of the study suggest their findings should help to dissuade companies against adopting zero-tolerance policies towards flirting.

They suggest it creates an unnecessary awkwardness in the workplace for natural behavior.

(And even if your company does have a strict policy, you can still find out if a woman really likes you by learning how to read her body language… and look for “the signs” that most men miss)

I think that this article proves one thing: that your coworkers may often, in fact, want you to flirt with them.

Honestly, some of the best flirting I have enjoyed happened while at work.

And now that this study is out, I can understand why.

Sexual attention at work helps to build “erotic capital.” And this can both empower and mitigate frustration.

Indeed, the researchers of the study found that even when casual flirting was not wanted, those who received it did not consider it a form of sexual harassment.

3 “Safe For Work” Flirting Tips For Max Success in The Office…

The point is, it’s natural to flirt at work.

Whether your colleague is stressed out or even bored, a little flirting is a fine way to boost office morale.

You do have to be strategic about how you share your attention, though.

Primarily, you’ll want to mind how your worker will feel regarding your flirting.

More specifically, whether it’s improving her day or not.

Thoughtfulness in the workplace is quite touching to women who often are interested in men who can not only read their needs, but help satisfy them as well.

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For example, if you see a coworker who is stressed out, you can make a flirtatious comment like they have to “let go” of whatever is getting them down so you can get back to enjoying their unique presence.

You don’t have to say what is really turning you on about them. Just that you are turned on, but in a composed way.

“I have trouble getting any work done while you are around because you’re so you” is one way of drawing attention towards your sexual feelings that is flattering and true.

Furthermore, you can follow it up a dozen ways based upon her response.

It Doesn’t End There…

If she finds that amusing, you may proceed to “find out whether or not you’re still this way when you are outside the office or whether you just look that much better than this job/paper/board in front of me.”

Emphasizing your exasperation will help to coat your pitch in feelings she can share.

Conversely, if she shows disinterest in the comment, you may try to round out your flirtation with humor.

You can do this by indicating that you appreciate her understanding that you need to get work done.

Remember, this allows you to reproach the subject later, perhaps when both of you have better matched each other’s rhythms, while simultaneously keeping you from feeling embarrassed by being too forward at work.

Flirting is meant to be light and easy.

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If you come on too strong, you may quickly find your turn-on becoming a major turn-off.

This is particularly true of very beautiful women who often hear these sorts of lines all the time.

As this study indicates, maintaining a balance of the two will actually help to go further in both.

On the one hand, by flirting at work, you can significantly decrease tension between yourself and others at the office.

On the other hand, by remembering that an office is a place of work first, you give yourself material for flirtation, demonstrate your priorities as a man, and represent yourself as a master of both worlds, the professional and the personal.

Since one of the most exciting things for a woman is a man who can both provide and entertain, you have an excellent opportunity to show her at work.

Here’s another way:

flirting at work
Discover the best way to escalate with a hot coworker…

Here’s A Simple Method For Getting Your Cute Co-Worker In Bed (No “Lines”)…

Now, if you’re thinking the lines above might not fly over great with your “office culture”…

… then here’s an even “safer” way to flirt with a cute girl at work… and still sleep with her EXTREMELY fast:

Use these 3 shocking yet subtle touches.

Touch feels good.. (when you touch someone, it releases oxytocin which is literally known as the “feel-good” chemical)

It’s a completely natural thing to do (even at work)…

AND when you use certain touches, in a certain order… you can actually turn women on super fast…

… and in a way that flies completely under her radar!

So when you’re talking to your cute co-worker, you might touch the first subtle spot (works great if you’re talking about something totally mundane, like what you ate for lunch) and she might become more talkative…

Then when she smiles or laughs, you touch her on a different subtle but sensitive spot(you may notice her face will start to look flushed… or she’ll lean in closer to you)

And just watch… after touching her on this innocent-seeming spot a few minutes later… 9 times out of 10 she’ll be like, “Hey… want to grab a drink for happy hour?”

That’s simply the power of these super-subtle, highly arousing touches…

… they turn women on quickly, and often she’ll be the one making the first move:

Click here right now and discover how to do them step-by-step.

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