How to Get Her Aching For Every Message You Send

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Scarcity Makes the Heart Grow Fonder…

What is the most powerful tool you have available at any given moment to drive women crazy with lust, desire and attraction?

I’ll give you a hint… it’s not money, good looks, great sex, something funny to say, a cool surprise for her or anything similar, it’s…


Go re-read that word 1,000 times more. Burn it into your head. Do not ever forget it again!

Scarcity in all aspects of dating is the most deadly of all tools a man can use to win over the woman of his dreams. You can basically use it to get anything you want from a woman without fail.

Sound too good to be true?

If it does, it’s because you’re not great with women yet. You’ve only acquired average to below average skills with women at best. All the best ladies men know that scarcity creates attraction and we all know how and when to implement this underrated tool and technique?

We all want what we can’t have!

We value what we have to work for! We appreciate the things in life that didn’t come easy. We love what isn’t readily available to us and we adore the person of interest most when they’re scarce!

Think about it… It’s like the old analogy of a kid with candy. Kids love chocolate! I don’t think anyone would doubt this, but besides the fact that chocolate tastes better than vegetables, most kids are only allowed chocolate or sweets if they are good and only in small unfulfilling amounts.

If you gave a kid chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it would only be a matter of days before that kid gets bored and starts looking for other ways to satisfy his palate.

To a kid, chocolate is more important than anything else! Just by the fact that he is only allowed access to chocolate in small amounts makes him appreciate and value that chocolate!

That child may be under the impression that it’s the chocolate itself that he loves but little does he know it’s because of the amount of access to it that really makes his cravings go through the roof!

The same is true for people. When we have access to people, their emotions, physical attention, their voice, contact in any form (in person, the phone, texting, etc…) or the validation that person gives us, we tend to tire of it quickly. We get bored.

But when we don’t have access to all of the above from a person of interest, all of a sudden we go crazy! We want that person even more.

We long for their attention, time, touch, smell, texts, words of endearment, sex, etc…

We want that person because it seems as though that person “may” not want us.

Give a person too much of yourself too quickly and the other person will start to retreat in the opposite direction!

But give her too little and they will lose interest. Things become too difficult for her–to borrow a line from a movie, the juice is no longer worth the squeeze to her. There needs to be a balance.

Just like a kid with chocolate, if you give the kid too much he’ll get bored. Give him too little and he’ll all but forget about chocolate.

You need to give the kid a bite of chocolate every so often to remind him of what makes chocolate so special. The same is true with romantic interests.

Perfecting that balance is what allows some men to have a bunch of women in his life that all love him while other men only have a few dates a year!

So, how do you use scarcity in just the right balance to make sure a woman never tires of you and her attraction and appreciation of you only grows everyday?

Let’s break it down into some topics that will be easy for you to understand.

Your Most Valuable Asset

scarcity time

Your time is what we’ll take a look at first. Your time is your most valuable asset. It’s the one non-renewable resource you have. Once you’ve spent your time, you can never get it back so it’s best to use it wisely!

The time you give to a woman should be 100% valued by her at all times. She should never take that for granted. If you’re just starting out in a new relationship you should only see her ONCE a week!

I can hear you crying now! “Once a week Glenn? Isn’t that too little? She’ll think I don’t like her…” No she won’t!

Seeing a woman once a week will only make her value her time with you and make her want more of it! Don’t believe me? Next time you start dating a woman only see her once a week and after 4-6 weeks (maybe sooner) I promise she’ll be asking you to see her more.

Remember, we all value what is scarce. Seeing her once a week will prevent her from getting bored of you.

After about 3 months you can start seeing her twice a week but ONLY if you’re heading down the road of a real relationship!

Why It’s a Good Idea to Withhold Your Touch

Your touch means kissing, sex, hugging, cuddling, stroking, hand holding, caressing, etc. Touch is another thing that you will want to use sparingly. Humans live for connection and intimacy.

There have been scientific studies that definitely prove humans touch can actually treat depression, keep us healthier, increase connections with other people and help us bond to that person! Pretty amazing what touch can do, isn’t it?

Since we were babies with our mothers we’ve learned that touch gives us a sense of security and belonging. We feel safe when the people we trust touch us.

When they don’t give us that type of affection, we feel rejected and act out in ways that will hopefully get us that attention, hence the “temper tantrum.” A temper tantrum is only a cry for love, attention, or the touch from another individual!

Being scarce with your touch with women only drives their desires for your attention even further! They will literally start to beg you for your touch and in turn become increasingly more touchy themselves.

You’ll need to use your discretion here but a good rule of thumb is that you should only touch her sparingly and be extra touchy or affectionate when your romantic interest is acting in positive ways.

If you touch when someone is acting bad, you’re basically rewarding that behavior but if you only get touchy when she’s acting awesome you’ll start to see her acting more awesome because she wants more of that touch.

How to Get Her To Stare At Her Phone Waiting For Your Texts

scarcity text waiting

The amount of contact when you’re NOT with a person is as equally as (if not more) important than when you’re together.

What do I mean by this? Basically it boils down to phone calls, length of those calls, texts and the length of those texts, and emails and the length of those emails.

Ever date a woman you like whose texts are always short in length and don’t really say much?

I have and it drives me crazy! I find myself almost trying to do things to get her to text more and if she ever does text me more I’m doing back flips with excitement because I’m finally thinking that she may be starting to like me. I’m sure you’ve been there before.

Have you ever started seeing a woman that doesn’t text you often? Maybe every other day or every few days? Maybe it’s even once a week?

Ugggggh! I hate those women but at the same time I find myself trying harder to win her over! Why? Because she’s being scarce!

What you need to do is do what women who have driven you crazy in the past have done.

Be aloof when texting. Give shorter answers and every once in while give a long answer or text something longer than usual. Become erratic with how often you text her.

But whatever you do, make sure you do less of it rather than more! It’s always best to err on the side of less. Ever hear the expression, “less is more”?

Always keep her guessing at your level of contact and watch at how quickly she’ll get back to you and how she responds when you do text her.

In the beginning of a relationship, you’ll only want to text with her once or twice a week and no more.

The same holds true with emailing and phone calls. Just follow the above texting advice.

You Should Even Withhold…Sex?

scarcity sex

I know, I know! We love to have sex and want it as much as possible. It’s gonna be hard to be scarce in regards to sexual frequency with a woman but that’s only if you have one woman that you’re having sex with.

Ideally if you’re having sex with multiple women this will be an easy rule to follow because your needs will be fulfilled elsewhere.

But no matter if you’re having sex with one woman or multiple partners, you’ll still want to use sexual scarcity to create desire and attraction!

What you want to do is hold off on having sex with your partner every fourth time you see her! If you can, I would even recommend holding off every third time you see her!

This creates a desire for you that she’s never felt with any other man. You’re going to accomplish this by not being like every other man, and using scarcity to your advantage.

If you skip sex with her every once in a while, she’ll only fantasize about it and want it that much more. Not only that but you will be confusing her which is a great thing!

Let me explain: did you know that it’s a proven fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear?

Have you ever told and showed a woman how much you care for her and like her too soon? What happened?

She started sleeping with someone else is what happened!

Girls love the bad-boy and bad-boys are always unclear with their actions and feelings towards them.

Women need to work for something in order for them to value it and the more they work for it the more they value it!

By being scarce in the ways I’ve described you will confuse her in a good way. This makes her more attracted to you, but it will also make her work and try harder for your attention. It’s a win-win situation.

What Every Woman Is Looking For a “Fix” Of…

Women are validation junkies. It’s like cocaine to them. They can’t live without it. They’re literally addicted to it.

A lot of women base their entire existence on the validation they receive from the world. Just look at Facebook or Instagram and you’ll see what I’m talking about!

Why do women spend so much money on makeup, clothes, plastic surgery, shoes, hair, nails, shaving, etc.? To receive validation! There’s no other reason! Women are constantly searching to validate their existence.

But even though a woman needs validation and seeks it from every man she’s with, when she finally receives it, it doesn’t have a lasting impact. Her feeling of having been validated is only temporary at best.

Women are used to getting insane amounts of validation from men. When I say insane, I mean insane amounts! They’re so accustomed to getting it that when they don’t, alarm bells go off! It drives them crazy!

They will become obsessed as to why a certain person they are with isn’t validating them and because you’re not validating them as frequently or in the ways in which they’re used to, their attraction level for you will rise quickly!

Men typically validate women in many different ways, but the most common way is through compliments.

When I date a woman I’ll never compliment her until we’re in a serious relationship. The only way I will validate her is with sex and my time.

I don’t care how hot she looks or what she’s wearing, I’ll never compliment her on her looks and when she starts stomping her feet asking me if she looks good, I’ll say, “Why are you acting so insecure? Have a little more confidence,” and then pull her in close and give her a kiss.

She should know that because I’m with her sexually that I think she’s pretty or sexy. It’s not my job to make her feel better about her insecurities and when you try to do this, you’ll only look weak.

There you have it. Scarcity at its core!

It may be difficult for you to comprehend what I’ve laid out, but trust me, become a little more scarce and you’ll see a dramatic change in how women treat you, respect you, and even beg for your time and attention.

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