My “10-Feet Tall” Secret to Appear Taller & Attract Hotter Women Overnight (Expert Video)

How To Walk Tall & Get Hotter Women in Your Bed Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible…

Click here to Discover 3 Shocking Under-The-Radar Touches That Turn Hot Girls On & Get Them to Kiss YOU First…

Let’s talk about the height disadvantage that short guys face when trying to attract really hot women.

It might seem like I’m beating a dead horse here, but the truth is most guys need to be reminded of this from time to time.

I’m not talking about being reminded of the fact that if you’re short, you have a disadvantage though…

I’m talking about the fact that if you’re short, you can still sleep with really hot girls… if you know what to do.

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Hi, I’m Glenn Pearce, and as part of my new series, Ask Glenn, I’m answering your most difficult, burning questions related to sex and dating.

And today, I want to show you the truth about attracting hot girls as a shorter guy–why so many guys have trouble with it, and how to easily pull it off.
Because honestly, if you follow the right steps…

… then it’s a LOT easier than you may realize.

So let’s get started!

Catch The Full Video Transcript Below…

Hey man, what’s up? It’s Glenn Pearce for Gotham Club.

Today I’m going to answer a question that’s been asked a lot:

Do women like short men?

I’m going to answer that question, plus if you’re on the short side of the spectrum, I’ll show you four simple concrete steps you could use to get more hot girls tonight.

I think you’ll especially like step four since I really haven’t heard it anywhere else, and it works so well for the short guys I work with.

Use these and you’ll get hotter women a lot easier than you would normally.

But let me go back to the question that was originally asked.

WARNING: These Shocking “Touch Tricks” Turn Hot Girls On & Make Them Want to Bang Your Brains Out (Don’t Use These Unless You Want Sex Right Away!)…

Do Women Like Short Men?

I have good news and I have some bad news.

Typically women don’t like short men.

I hate to tell you this, but there are going to be women out there–and I’m not saying this to hurt you or discourage you–there are going to be a certain amount of women out there who just won’t sleep with short guys, OK?

Most will, but there will be some who just don’t.

So if you’re a short guy and you’re trying to get good at this area and get your dating game under control, just realize that you do have an extra hurdle.

It’s a hurdle that you can easily overcome.

I’ve coached, I don’t know, a few hundred really short guys who ended up having phenomenal success with women.

But just realize that there are going to be some women out there who just aren’t attracted to short dudes.

What I’m getting at is this:

Most women WILL date short guys–under the right circumstances.

And here’s how you sleep with and date those girls:

1) What Are You Wearing?

So my number one step for a short guy to appear more attractive is going to be his fashion.

The way you dress and the way your hair looks and what you wear is the quickest and simplest thing you can do right now, as soon as you stop watching this video, to improve your overall looks.

How do you look?

Are you short and you barely have any fashion?

Do you look like a normal, plain Jane guy?

Well, guess what?

Women aren’t going to look at you.

But if you’re on the shorter side and you have a great image, and you have great fashion, and your hair is really cool…

Or you’ve got great jewelry, or you just have this amazing little like aura or presence about you…

Women are going to respond to that.

They’re going to recognize that, despite your height.

2) How Often Do You Hit The Gym?

Second tip is going to be how fit you are.

If you’re tall you can get away with being a little bit bigger or out of shape, because women’s eyes are going to be naturally drawn to your height, not your width.

But the shorter you get, the less out of shape you are, the wider you get.

If you’re on the short side of things, you don’t want to be on the wide side of things too.

So typically the shorter you are, the more in shape you want to be, and the more physically fit you want to be.

Because you want the eyes to be drawn vertically, not horizontally. So that’s my second tip if you’re a short guy.

INSIDER SECRETS: This All-Natural 5-Food Formula Gives You Rock-Hard Erections (Click For The Recipe)…

3) Can You REALLY Play The Game?

Tip number three, if you’re a short guy trying to get hot girls, learn game.

Learn how to game women. Study it, relentlessly.

Go out there, approach a bunch of girls…

Talk to women, learn how to flirt, learn how to banter…

Learn how to talk to girls in grocery stores, and learn how to attract women.

If you’re short and you don’t know s*it about women, you are never going to get laid.

So go out, learn some game, learn how to get better with women.

Get over your fear of approaching women.

Just go out there and start learning to get better at game.

4) The Most Important Tip Of All…

Now my fourth, and probably the most important tip I can give for short guys, is walk like you’re f*cking 10 feet tall.

There is nothing more unattractive than a short guy walking down the street with slouched over, s*itty, negative body language.

Women hate negative body language on tall guys.

They’re going to hate it even more on short guys.

So you know what?

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Walk like you’re a drill sergeant in the United States f*cking military.

Walk like you’re 10 feet tall, walk like you own the world, walk like you’re the most important man in the universe.

Man, walk like you’ve got a damn chip on your shoulder and just be proud. Stand tall and walk like you’re 10 feet tall.

And that’s what’s going to get her in bed with you.

But what if she still says she “just doesn’t date short guys”?

get hotter women

What If She “Just Doesn’t Date Short Guys”?

Like I said, there will be some girls who flat-out refuse to date a guy just because he’s “too short”

And while I don’t recommend pursuing these women seriously… they’re often pretty f’in hot, and a lot of fun in the sack.

What I’m saying is you can still sleep with these girls.

Even if you’re really short, and even if a woman says “no” to your face… this clever “Change Her Mind Formula” can turn the tables, and make her want to have sex with you.


It all relies on a few subtle techniques, pioneered by my fellow mentor Magic Leone…

As an older, pudgy balding Indian guy with a strange skin condition, he’s had to deal with a LOT of “no’s” from women in the past…

… though over the years, he developed this “Change Her Mind Formula” to turn many of these same “nos” into enthusiastic “Yes!”‘s… often within minutes.

So whether you want to sleep with a girl who’s said you’re “too short” in the past… or you just want to sleep with more hot women in general…

This “Change Her Mind Formula” makes it happen:

Click here to see how.

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