Want Better Sex More Often? Do THIS Everyday “Activity,” Says New Study

getting in the mood for sex

Getting In the Mood for Sex Is Easier Than Ever–Would You Experiment With This Controversial “Habit” for Better Sex?

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, it’s perfectly normal to sometimes want more:

More affection…


And yeah… more sex.

Many sources will tell you that the solution is simple–communicate, and things will fall into place naturally.

However, this kind of advice can sometimes leave you wanting… well, for lack of a better word, more.

Isn’t there an easier way to get a woman in the mood? Something you can do that gets her to initiate sex more often?

According to one recent study, the answer is “yes.” And the solution may just surprise you.

Why Does Smoking Pot = More Sex?

If you read the text above and thought, “WTF???” Well… you’re not alone.

However, the numbers don’t lie. According to a study conducted by Stanford researchers, people who smoke marijuana (pot, weed, ganja, etc.) really do have more sex.

And not only that:

Apparently, the more weed you smoke, the more sex you have, too!

What’s going on?

Well, some studies have found that the active compounds in marijuana can also activate the brain’s sexual centers. And while certain studies have linked pot smoking to E.D. or a reduced sperm count, those studies are few and far between.

So if you aren’t toking up already, is now a good time to start? And if you are already a smoker, how can you incorporate Mary Jane into your sex life?

Well, the answer isn’t quite so simple.

That’s why I developed this 3-step plan for you. It shows you the next steps to take so you can use this study to your best advantage. 😉

Beginning with step #1:

1) Make A Moral Judgment Call

It’s no secret:

Weed is not yet legal in all 50 states. So if you’re in one of the states where it’s not lawful, then you have to make a decision. And it’s certainly not an unimportant one.

However, the truth is, weed is widely socially acceptable–even in states where it’s not yet fully legal.

So suffice it to say… if you want to get your hands on it, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to.

Whether you have some sort of delivery service…

Know a neighbor who grows it…

Or have some other form of accessing it…

The hard part isn’t getting the weed itself. It’s owning up to the fact that what you’re doing may not be 100% “right” in the government’s eyes.

But if you’re cool with that, then it’s time to proceed to step #2:

2) Find Out if She’s Into It

This next step might not sound like first date fodder… but trust me, it can be.

You don’t have to make it this whole “big thing,” either. If you want to figure out if this woman is a weed smoker, simply say:

“Hey, have you ever smoked pot?”

It’s that simple–because weed is pretty much always in the news, she can’t accuse you of bringing up an “irrelevant” topic… plus, it’s your first date!

You can always just say you’re making an effort to get to know her better.

It’s best not to jump into this by saying, “Hey, would you want to come over and smoke some weed?”

Because, if you don’t at least know she likes to smoke yet, this is basically the same as asking, “Hey, want to come back to my place, lower your inhibitions, and do things you might regret?”

No thanks.

Of course, she may not say, “Yes, I love smoking pot!!!” to you outright. But that doesn’t mean she’s not into it.

She may be putting on a front–so if she pauses before answering, or says, “I don’t know, why do you ask?”… then chances are she’s done it at least once in her life or would at least be open to trying it again.

And from there, your best bet is to invite her back to your place to “hang out.”

But once she’s there, how can you make sure the night ends in sex?

Well, it’s actually pretty simple… if you know what to do:

Want Better Sex More Often? Do THIS Everyday "Activity," Says New Study

3) Make Her Feel Comfortable (So She’ll Make the First Move)

Whether you’re smoking weed with her or not… if you want her to come to bed with you, or make the first move… then she has to feel comfortable around you first.

I don’t mean comfortable, like, “Oh, look at this couch, I want to sit on it, it looks sooooo comfy!!!”

I’m talking about comfort, like she feels “safe” and warm with you. Like she can open up to you. That kind of thing. (Some people call this “sexual chemistry.”)

Many guys try to get this “comfort” by relating to us emotionally… or sharing personal stories… and sure, I’ll admit that can certainly build some rapport… and maybe even get you a second date…

…but most of the time, it won’t make us FEEL comfortable enough to sleep with you. And that’s because these kinds of comfort-building talking tricks… well, they’re missing one major thing:

Touch. A physical connection. That’s the kind of comfort we need to feel that “chemistry” with you.

But where should you touch her? And how?

We asked our Community Expert (who also happens to be a hot Playboy Radio host!) to show you… and she said yes. 😉 I think you’re really gonna like this a lot:

Discover How to Turn Her On & Get Her in The Mood by Touching These Little-Known “Hot Spots”…

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