Tips to Craft a Cool, Fun Vibe to Get Women Chasing You

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Good Vibes Are the Key to Attracting Women Effortlessly

Are you giving off the right vibe?

When I say the word vibe I don’t mean how well you “vibe” with a woman.

What I’m referring to is your vibe. The amount and type of energy you give off in your everyday life!

Having a great vibe can sometimes do all the work for you and may even attract more women to you.

During my everyday life, while I’m running around the streets of New York taking care of business, I’m always giving off a wonderfully attractive vibe to the world.

I’m in a great mood, I make everyone I come into contact with laugh, I have a certain swagger to my walk and always look great!

Needless to say, throughout my day I’m always getting smiled at by women and usually approached in one way or another–the power of good vibes!

I can’t even begin to tell you how many times a woman starts talking to me for no apparent reason except that she’s obviously curious about me and my vibe.

The other day a woman in line at the coffee shop behind me decided to randomly buy me a cup of coffee and then asked me my name and what I did for a living. I have to admit, she was actually pretty cute. But this is normal for me. At least once a day this sort of thing happens.

And it’s all because of my vibe!

The “Dangers” of a Chill Vibe

Just the other night I was out with a student and we were taking a break from talking to women and just hanging out shooting the breeze, laughing, and just acting silly.

My vibe at this point in the night was superb. And out of nowhere this really cute girl with super short hair just comes up to me with her friend, grabs my face and says… “I’m going to make out with you!”

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Pretty much an exact recreation of what it looked like.

My student was amazed because I didn’t have to do anything. I knew it was because of the vibe I was giving off. I seemed approachable, fun and interesting!

How to Deal With Hot Girls Who Are Aggressively All Over You

I said to her, “No you’re not! I’m a shitty kisser and I’m not wearing deodorant.”

She said, “Let’s find out” and grabbed my face and went for it!

I turned my face and she got some serious cheek.

I then told her in a flirty way that she was acting way too aggressive and that she was scaring me.

This drove her crazy! She dragged her friend over to us and said, “If you’re not going to kiss me, kiss her and if you like the way she kisses, you’re going to love the way I kiss.”

It could have easily turned into a threesome make-out session! These girls wouldn’t leave me alone for about 15 minutes. I basically had to tell them that I was out with my friend who I haven’t seen in years and that I had a serious girlfriend to finally peel them off of me.

The fact that I wasn’t needy and pushed them away drove them both crazy. Women are just not used to a man not being into them or giving them what they want. It’s like cocaine to a woman. A little push when you know you have her goes a long way. It turns into a challenge for them and women love a flirty challenge!

My student immediately attributed their aggressiveness to the fact that they were drunk and liked my fashion sense, but I knew that wasn’t the case, and I explained what really happened.

Neither of them had drinks in their hands, the night was still young so they probably weren’t drunk yet, and neither of them smelled like booze. They were just in a heightened state of energy, having a great time and attracted to the vibe I was giving off at that moment.

Needless to say he learned a lot and what I have been trying to tell him finally sank in!

The Secret to Understanding a Woman’s Mind

The fact that I was able to playfully handle these women and push them away…

…then pull them back in…

…made their sexual state rise even higher to the point that they weren’t even thinking. They were just acting on pure emotion. Which is what women will 99% of the time do.

Women are highly emotional beings and when they are living in that state of mind, all logic goes out the window! As I’ve said a million times before, women are state junkies! Her dominant emotion at any given moment always takes precedence.

And we are in the business of state management when it comes to women. We manage their states of mind and keep them in a better emotional mood so that they have a better time with us.

How to Improve Your Vibe in a Few Easy Steps

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So how do you get a vibe like mine? This is just the bare-bones outline of how to do it–there’s a lot more to learn about how to form your own vibe.

If you haven’t already, read my posts “6 Secrets of Getting Women to Approach YOU” and “How to Become an Interesting Man.” 

In them, I show you some great ways to become a better, more interesting version of yourself via a couple of easy-to-follow systems.

If you want to start pulling in women like I did (and do) in the story above, these two articles are an excellent starting point.

Before you know it, you’ll start to notice more women talking to you, and getting flirty with you quicker. It’s all a matter of internalizing the vibe!

The vibe you’re giving off at any moment will almost certainly dictate the way life treats you. You always get back what you put in!

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