How to Approach a Girl in a Group (Even if She’s With Guys!)

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The Easiest Way to Approach a Group of Women–Do You Know How to Break the Ice?

Approaching a single woman in public can definitely be intimidating…

But approaching a whole group of women? That’s a whole different ball game.

A lot of guys (even experienced ones) wonder:

What’s the best way to approach a group of women without coming on too strong…?

And what are you supposed to do if there is a guy in the group…???

So with that in mind, I want to use this video to help show you how it’s done.

Today, I’m going to show you how to use simple cheat codes to capture any woman’s interest…

Even if you think she’s just not that into you.

Watch the video above to find out…

how to approach a group of women

In this video, I reveal exactly how to approach a group of women, plus:

  • A step-by-step method to successfully approach a group of women (& making a connection with the one you want)…
  • My #1 Hack to use if a guy is present in the group…
  • The easiest way to find out who is single and who is coupled up…
  • The bizarre question to ask that will help you fit in with any group of women…
  • 3 ways to initiate conversation with a group of women without ever risking rejection…

You Got Her Alone…Now What?

In my experience, this is the best time for you to make a move.

I don’t mean anything “risky” or a cheesy pickup line… just something subtle to get her into a sexual mindset.

After years of practice… and approaching hundreds of women… I’ve discovered that the most successful “moves” don’t involve any words at all…

Instead, they work to make a girl feel desire through touch… I call them my 5 “Primal Touches.”

“Primal” because they act on a woman’s “prehistoric brain”… bypassing all of her “mind games”… and seem to unleash a gushing geyser of sex hormones in her brain’s “sex center”… all in a matter of minutes.

So her eyes will light up… she might giggle & touch you a lot… and sometimes, these “Primal Touches” can even cause her to kiss you right then & there

Discover the 5 “Primal Touches” to Turn Her On Fast

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