How a Change of Clothes Got Me Higher Quality Women OVERNIGHT

how to dress to attract women

How to Dress to Attract Women You Want Right Now

Most guys don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what to wear.

They think it’s the woman’s job to dress them…

Or that clothes aren’t important…

Or even if they are important, they have no clue where to start…

Well, I’m here to tell you that all of that is flat out untrue.

I’m Craig Miller, and since founding the Gotham Club, I’ve been here every step of the way to help you do better with women.

And today, I’m introducing the new Gotham Club Style Guide: a weekly video series I put together with my style mentor, David Aames (whose work has been featured in Vogue and many other publications).

We’ll be back here every Wednesday afternoon with a new video and article just for you…

So to kick things off today, we’re answering this:

“Why is fashion important to attract the kind of women I want?”

In today’s video, my mentor David and I discuss why fashion is so important to attract the women you want, plus:

  • A step-by-step method to attract higher quality women OVERNIGHT
  • How to send the right “message” to women using only your clothes…
  • The ONE style mistake that instantly makes her think you’re boring in bed…
  • My secret to standing out from every other guy around you (and it doesn’t involve any crazy accessories)…
  • David’s powerful “self-expression” technique that women can’t resist (whether it’s in a nightclub or even at church)…

She Called Me an Ugly Loser…

I used to go out to meet women in dirty, wrinkled clothes, convinced my charm and years of knowledge would do all the work for me…

Until I met up with one girl for a date, and she ditched me after 5 minutes! She turned up her nose at me and called me an “ugly loser” (it still kinda hurts today…).

So when I first met David, I took one look at him and thought “No f—ing way can this guy help ME.” He was wearing all sorts of things I had never seen before…just…no.

He convinced me to try one thing he learned from HIS mentor that would “change my mind about the power of personal style.” Or whatever.

So I went shopping to look for a specific kind of clothing. It wasn’t fun (and shopping bores me to tears)…

But I learned that I can attract the exact type of woman I want…

Just by wearing the “right” clothes.

So whether I want a casual fling or something more serious, my clothes send a “message” to every woman I meet (it’s kind of hilarious how well this works).

And I learned how to do it here:

A Simple Formula to Attract the Girl You REALLY Want…

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