The #1 Time to Ask for Her Number (It Cut My Rejection Rate in Half!)

how to get her number

How to Get Her Number When She’s Most Likely to Say “Yes!”…

Ever found yourself in a conversation with a woman, wanting to ask for her number…

But you weren’t sure when to ask?

I remember the days when asking for a girl’s number felt so scary. I was always so worried that she might say no that I would wait until the very end of our conversation to muster the courage to ask…

And even then, sometimes I chickened out and left with nothing but an empty feeling in my stomach…

And more shame than I could handle.

Most guys think you should ask for her number at the end of the conversation. After all, that’s what makes the most sense, right?

You have this great conversation…

You’re connecting…

She likes you and you like her…

It almost seems natural that when you’re about to wrap things up, you ask for her number…


The “Time Vs. Rejection Fallacy” Thousands of Men Fall Prey To…


Asking for number at the end of the conversation is maybe the worst thing you can do.

One of the main reasons behind this idea has to do with the value of your time.

A lot of guys assume that the more time you spend talking to a woman, the easier it will be to get her number (and the lower the odds are she’ll reject you).

But think about this…

If you’re talking with a woman for 30 minutes, and at the end of it all you ask for her number…

There’s still a chance she might say “No”…

Or “I have a boyfriend”

And you just lost half an hour of your life (and probably a lot of mental energy).

That’s crazy to me!

Time is your most valuable non-renewable resource. Don’t ever waste it — especially on a woman you aren’t sure is interested in you.

When you walk away from a woman, she should be thinking about all the things you had in common…

How you made her feel…

How attracted to you she is…

And NOT that she might regret just giving you her number. Which is what will happen if you ask for it at the end.

So when should you ask her for her number?

It all boils down to her emotions and her energy.

The #1 Time to Ask for Her Number

The Secret Message Her Emotions Are Sending You

Every conversation has “high points” and “low points.”

Think about making a girl laugh — she’s smiling…

Her eyes light up…

And you’ve got her wrapped around your finger.

This is a “high point.”

Conversely, when she’s “um…”-ing…

And you’re searching your brain for something to say…

That’s a “low point.”

The key to getting her number is to ask her on a “high point” in the conversation.

Women aren’t logical — and that means she’s going to respond to her own emotions more than she’ll respond to your logical actions. Always.

So instead of just “going for it” at the end…

Find a high point in the middle of the conversation and ask her then!

If you’re not sure how to identify a “high point,” then just pay attention to your own emotions. When you feel comfortable and relaxed, and the conversation is flowing naturally…

That’s probably a high point.

And if you’re feeling super awkward, nervous, or distracted…

It’s safe to say that’s probably a low point.

If her emotions are at a high point of interest and attraction, guess what?

She’ll give you her number — no problem!

And if they’re at a low point…

She’ll reject you — even if she was attracted to you at the beginning.

The Absolute Best Time to Ask for Her Number

So if the key is to ask her on a “high point” in the conversation, which ‘high point” do you choose?

Here’s my “10-20” rule:

Ask for her number on a “high point” between 10 and 20 minutes after you first start talking to her.

When you ask for her number 10 minutes into a conversation, you’ll know exactly where you stand with her.

You’ll know for certain if she likes you as a romantic interest or not. And you’ll never have to waste your time.

On top of that, when you ask for her number before the end of the conversation, she’ll value the fact that she gave you her number more.


If you get her number 10 minutes in and continue talking for another 10 minutes, then she’ll have time to “convince” herself she did the right thing.

And that means that by the end of the conversation, she’ll 100% trust her decision to give it to you.

When a woman trusts herself around you, she’s much less likely to flake…

And much more likely to reach out to you first to set up a date!

But don’t take my word for it…

How My Completely Average Student Turned Her Digits Into a Date

I’m with one of my students one day, and he decides to approach a girl in the park. So he uses the “10-20” rule and comes back to me with a HUGE smile on his face because he got her number…

But all of a sudden, his smile drops.

He starts asking me all these questions, all sweaty and stuttering…

  • “So…what do I do now?”…
  • “Should I text her today?”…
  • “How do I know when to ask her out?”…

The lines on his forehead made it clear how nervous, anxious, and confused he was getting…

He was straight up panicking like a little schoolgirl!

I said, “Relax, here’s something to take the edge off…”

And showed him this article about the “Big Data” secrets revealing what women REALLY want.

He read it, and I saw all the dread disappear from his face like that

Almost like he knew exactly what to do next.

My student isn’t super smart or really clever, but after reading this article he turned that girl’s number into a date that same exact night…

Just click here to learn how to eliminate all of the guesswork and know what to instantly do next with her…

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