Dating Expert: How to Move On & Meet More Women

Dating Expert: How to Move On & Meet More Women

Want to Know How to Get Over a Girl & Move on to Better Things? Then You’ve Gotta See This…

Every single day, I hear at least one of my clients say:

“If only it didn’t have to be so hard!”


“It’s easy for you, but I don’t want to be the life of the party dating multiple women. I just want one girl. Really, I just don’t want to be alone.”

Maybe you can identify with that feeling — and I get it. Wouldn’t you like it to be easy?

And why does it have to be so hard, anyway?

So today, I want to show you exactly how to get over a girl and move on to bigger and better things.

Step by step, I know you can do it, just like I did.

The #1 Reason Moving On Feels So Damn Difficult…

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve spent some time trying to improve your dating game.

But as men, why do we spend so much time learning about dating, only for things to fall apart in the end?

You may have pulled out all the stops:

Getting past your initial fear of approach…

Starting a conversation…

Going from talking to kissing…

And even rekindling a spark that burned out.

Each step of the way, perhaps you wonder:

“Why do I try? Why do something that can end in so much pain? And why fight a battle that I can lose?”

Sometimes, you want to stop.

And this is why moving on feels so hard. Because you put so much work into something that ends up simply falling apart.

That’s Not All…

On top of that, it’s easy to compare yourself to other guys and assume that you fall short.

That other guy? He’s:




More fearless…


And so on.

So how do you forget about that and go out again? How do you keep fighting?

The real answer might surprise you. And here’s what it is:

How to Embrace & Overcome Your Personal Challenges For Good…

The truth is, you need to accept that problems are a good thing.

Yup, you heard me right. Problems are something you should actually want.

“Not me!” You may be thinking right now… but I’m here to tell you that yes, you too, want problems in your life.

In fact, in one way or another, everyone is looking for problems.

Think about it like this:

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Do you have hobbies?

Not at work — there you may just want to get paid and go home.

Once you get home, though, what do you do on your own time?

Maybe you play chess…

Or solitaire…

Video games…


And so on.

Or maybe you just enjoy watching TV and movies.

All of these things you enjoy doing are in the pursuit of problems, challenges, or resolving conflicts.

You get 15 minutes to yourself, and you take the opportunity to give yourself something difficult. Solitaire and Sudoku are the perfect examples — you’re challenging your mind to solve something.

Dating is exactly like this. It’s a challenge.

Sure, maybe dating can end up feeling more discouraging than a simple Sudoku puzzle, but the concept is exactly the same.

If the problems you give yourself aren’t challenging, then it’s difficult to find satisfaction.

This is how you move on from a girl and start meeting more women — accept that “problems” are a good thing to have, and tackle them knowing that you are ultimately safe in your pursuit of sexual satisfaction.

Does It Ever Get Any Easier?

If you’ve been reading this far, then you know the answer to this question — “does it ever get any easier?” — is “Yes!”

Because once you start tackling the “problem” of dating, then meeting more and more women becomes a lot more fun.

It can feel good, and you can get back out there.

Because at the end of the day, there are tons of women who are potentially interested in you sexually.

How do I know this?

Well, I know because I’ve helped dozens of men through this exact situation. The key to getting back in the game in a safe and easy way is to only approach or talk to women you already know may be interested in you.

And here’s the easiest way to do that:

how to get over a girl

Could Preventing Rejection Really Be This Easy?

When I first met Tim, his girlfriend of three years had just dumped him… and the one woman he had asked out for coffee since then? She laughed in his face.

But that was a month ago.

Now, Tim gets 2-3 dates per week… has sex pretty much whenever he wants… and sometimes, he even has to turn girls down because he’s “too busy”… how did he do it???

He didn’t start working out… or get a promotion… or pay $$$ for weird “hair implants”… nope.

Instead, he figured out how to tell when a woman is TRULY interested in him.

And it’s all because I showed him a woman’s hidden “sex signs.”

Because women aren’t always 100% honest with their words… it’s nearly impossible to tell if a woman is into you just from talking to her…

So instead, you have to look at her body language… where she “codes” her true feelings for you… hidden in plain sight.

I’ll admit that these body language clues, or  “sex signs” can be easy to miss… though if you know where to look, figuring out if a woman likes you becomes almost second nature:

Discover a Woman’s Hidden “Sex Signs” That Reveal Her TRUE Level of Interest In You…

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