5 Steps to Initiate Sex With a Younger Woman & Get Her Naked And On Top Of You FAST [Video Tutorial]

Discover How To Initiate Sex With Younger Women Quickly & Without Almost Ever Facing Rejection (Or Last-Minute Resistance)…

Click Here to Get Magic’s Famous “Attraction Bible” & Start Getting the Women You Really Want Right Now…

Hey it’s Magic, one of Gotham Club’s experts.

So in this video today, I’m going to show you ways to initiate sex with younger women that consistently work, and almost never get rejected.

Because even though most of us are under quarantine right now… once we get out of it, stuff is going to get crazy.

TRENDING: If A Younger Woman Does This With Her Body It Means She Wants You Bad (Most Older Guys Totally Miss This!)

So these tips will help you handle all the hot girls with pent-up energy once we can all go back out again. 

So with that, let’s get started. 

Catch The Full Video Transcript Below…

When you get a woman to like you, then all you have to do is generate sexual tension and initiate sex. 

A great way to do this is to compliment her. The more positive feedback she gets, the more sexually aroused she gets usually.

(Turn her on fast even if she doesn’t seem interested with this proven technique.)

One of the things I also do at this point is I talk about sex.

So I will share how most women are not very good in bed.

I share with her that I like to do dirty things to a girl, and it’s okay if she is shy, but that’s what I really enjoy. 

I begin to fantasize with her.

And I  tell her that I want to do things so dirty that when she wakes up, she’s ashamed and embarrassed that she did that.

But she also will feel amazingly happy that she did that, because no one has done this to her before. 

It Doesn’t End There…

These are just some of the things I use to generate sexual tension to keep increasing the tension to a point that they can’t hold back anymore. 

And that is how you lead a younger woman to a point where she can’t hold back anymore, and she wants to have sex with you right now. 

CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO: Can You Spot the Hidden Signs a Woman Is Interested In You? (Most Men Totally Miss These!)

And trust me, I don’t know how many times I’ve done this.

I have taught this to my clients who had so much sex and have sent me so many testimonials, because once I share these techniques with them, they start getting results.

Even when a girl gives them “last-minute resistance”… or “sh!t tests”…

The strategy I’ll share with you below is especially great to get past that (and get her in bed):

initiate sex with younger women
Don’t miss out on this final step on how to inmate sex with younger women…

What If She Gives You An Excuse? Or Some Kind of “Sh!t Test”?

Ah, this is actually one of my favorite parts of seducing hot younger women.

A lot of times… the only thing holding them back from sleeping with a guy who’s a bit (or a lot) older than them is a lot of “blah blah blah” stupid stuff, like:

“What will my friends think?”

“Will people think I’m weird if I sleep with an older guy?”

“I don’t want to come across as ‘too easy’ or ‘a slut’ to this guy… even though I’m really attracted to him…”

Now, she’s probably not going to say these things to you verbally…

But if things are getting a little more heated… and she either tries to slow things down… or gives you some ridiculous “sh!t test” like “my boyfriend really isn’t going to like this”...

(Yeah, seriously, this girl was unzipping my fly… hand down my pants… and then she said that. Well, guess what–if he existed, he really didn’t like what came next lol…)

This is exactly what to say and do to give her that little mental “nudge” when she’s on the fence about sleeping with you.

^^^Some of my best, most effective tips for getting younger women in bed, ever.

These tricks and techniques work to calm down the “logical” side of her brain… that worries about her friends… her “boyfriend”… the freakin’ tooth fairy… whoever…

And allow her to do what she really wants to do:

Give into her strong emotions and bang your brains out!

Here’s a short video showing you my exact system to put “on the fence girls” over the edge into firm “I’m banging you tonight!” territory:

Click here to discover my revolutionary “Change Her Mind” Formula that gets hot younger women naked and on top of you FAST.

P.S. If she says “she has a boyfriend,” I’ve found that 90% of the time, it’s either not true, or they’re not that serious. So here’s exactly what to do to bang her when that happens…

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