Does Size Really Matter? 323 College Girls Reveal All…


Real Women Give Real Answers: “Is Bigger Always Better? 

We live in a world where bigger is almost always better.

Buildings are getting taller…

Meals are getting larger…

Ideas are getting broader…

But when it comes to what’s in your boxers, is bigger really better?

Ads and targeted marketing would have you think so, with taglines like “Naturally increase your size!”…

“Double your girth today!” and…

“Enhance your size for her pleasure!”…

But one study might be flipping this idea on its head:

Does Size Really Matter? 323 College Girls Reveal All...

Psychologist Stuart Brody and his colleagues at the University of the West of Scotland decided to ask 323 women — most of whom were college students at the University of Scotland — about their sexual pasts.

The women answered questions about their sexual experiences…

Which sexual acts they prefer…

And whether or not penis length had anything to do with their pleasure during penetration.

Now, I’ve got some bad news and good news about what these women said.

First, the bad news:

Size DOES matter…but not always. The women most likely to say size made a difference were the ones reporting the highest number of vaginal orgasms.

According to Brody, this indicates that a bigger package might actually mean you can provide her more pleasure:

Male anxiety about penis size may not reflect internalized, culturally arbitrary masculine stereotypes, but an accurate appreciation that size matters to many women.”

So for women who want vaginal orgasms, size makes a difference…right?

Not so fast.

Does Size Really Matter? 323 College Girls Reveal All...

What This Study Is Actually Saying…

Before I get into the good news, let’s examine the notion that “size matters” a little closer:

Of the 323 women in the study, only 160 of them reported experiencing a vaginal orgasm — so that’s about half the women in the study who’ve had a vaginal orgasm (49.5% to be exact).

On top of that, only 33.8% of those 160 women reported that a longer penis leads to better pleasure. And in fact, 60% of them said that size made NO difference!

Clearly, there’s a lot more going on here.

The fact that only 49.5% of these women reported experiencing a vaginal orgasm reveals one giant elephant in the room:

Not all women are capable of having a vaginal orgasm.

So even if a longer penis will give her a better vaginal orgasm…she might not even be capable of having that kind of orgasm in the first place!

It Doesn’t End There…

On top of that, this is a self-reported study. So you have to trust that what these women told Brody and his colleagues is both a) true, and b) objectively accurate.

The truth is that there’s so much hype surrounding male enhancement that women have been primed from a young age to believe that “bigger is better.” So they might subconsciously believe that a bigger penis will give them more pleasure…

But in reality, that isn’t the case.

According to Barry Komisaruk, a researcher at Rutgers University,

There’s such variability in preference. Women who orgasm through vaginal stimulation may indeed prefer longer penises, but not everyone prefers to orgasm that way.”

So a woman’s subconscious belief that “bigger is better” might translate into a preference for a bigger package — but that preference doesn’t mean she’s actually getting more pleasure.

And now for the good news:

Does Size Really Matter? 323 College Girls Reveal All...

The Truth About the Female Orgasm

The good news is that size is one of about 50 different factors that contribute to a woman’s ability to orgasm.

So what else is influencing her pleasure?

  • Her mood…
  • Your mood…
  • Her sexual history…
  • Time spent on foreplay…
  • Your relationship with her…

Just to name a few.

Every woman is a little different, and so every woman’s genitals are going to be a little different, too.

While some women might go wild for a vaginal orgasm…

Others prefer clitoral stimulation. And others still require other kinds of pleasure.

Beverly Whipple, another researcher at Rutgers University, has discovered that even women with serious spinal cord injuries — women who theoretically should feel nothing in their nether regions — can experience orgasm with the right stimulation.

So if you’re not gifted “down there,” you can make up for it in so many other ways. Size truly doesn’t matter…if you’re armed with the right knowledge.

So what is that knowledge? Is there a technique that works well on almost every woman?

Here’s what I found:

is bigger always better

How to Take Her Over the Edge Using These “Orgasmic Energy Pulses”…

Have you ever felt an instant connection with a complete stranger? Like the 2 of you have an unspoken history that nobody else can see…?

That’s how it was when I met Tim.

His khakis and glasses made him stick out like a sore thumb when I walked into my usual Thursday night watering hole…

What the hell is this older guy doing here? But then a strange urge took over…

Like he was reeling me in with an invisible lasso…oozing this magnetic attraction energy…until I was face-to-face with him…

“Hey, I’ve never seen you here before…I’m Monika. What’s your name?” My mouth hung open–why was I talking to him?!

An hour later, we were deep in conversation…and before I knew it we had walked all the way back to his doorstep. Damn…pretty smooth for an older guy…

“Want to have a nightcap inside?” One thing led to another…

In bed, I slid off his boxers…yikes. A lot smaller than what I’m used to.

But when his fingertips grazed my stomach, that magnetic energy made me forget all about what he was lacking…

And when he was inside me…oh God

Every thrust sent me deeper and deeper into euphoria…

And a direct channel to my pleasure center opened up…these weird thrusts sent wave after wave of energy through me until I couldn’t take it anymore…

He had a name for them too:

“Orgasmic Energy Pulses.”

And now I’m sharing them with you. So check them out — you’ll love them:

How to Take Her Over the Edge Using These “Orgasmic Energy Pulses”…

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