How to Rewrite Her Rules So You’re Her “Perfect Man”


She Doesn’t Seem Interested at First? Rewrite Her Rules!

I’ve seen it too many times on girls’ dating app profiles:

“If you’re under 6 feet tall, don’t even bother…”

Or I heard similar things while talking to a hot woman years ago:

“I’m sorry, I just don’t date guys who make under $80,000…”

And believe it or not, I get this one a lot too:

“Sorry, I’m just not into Indian guys…”

Women have all sorts of “rules” that they use to rule their sex and dating lives. If you don’t check off the right box she’s created in her own mind for her “perfect guy”…

She’ll “next” you so fast your head will spin!

How an Unwanted Indian Guy Discovered the Secret to Female Attraction…

I’m going to be incredibly honest: on the outside, I’m no woman’s “perfect guy.”

I’m fat. I’m going bald. I’m Indian, which means I have a thick accent.

Did I mention I have a skin condition that gives me blotchy white patches all over my body?

For the longest time, I struggled to get any kind of attention from any women at all. Who would want me? The hideous Indian splotch-monster who they could barely understand?

And yet here I am, a guy who’s slept with over 400 women, and who is now happily married to the love of his life.

No woman should have wanted me because of the “rules” she has in her head…

…and yet I was able to go home with practically any woman I wanted to: shy… outgoing… model-tall… short-and-cute… married… “single”…

None of those things mattered once I learned how to “rewrite” those rules she has in her head for who she’ll date and sleep with…

And while that may sound “hard,” it’s actually really easy, because there’s no actual “rewriting” involved. It’s all about bypassing her current rules for who she dates and sleeps with.

So here are 4 simple ways you can do just that, and start making her see you as a potential lover or boyfriend right now:

1) Make an Extended Eye Contact

One of the biggest “rules” a woman has is that she has to be with a “confident” man.

For years and years, I wondered what the hell “confidence” was. Everyone said, “Be confident,” but that’s just hollow b.s. without any concrete steps behind it.

One of the quickest ways to show a woman that you’re confident is by making and holding an extended eye contact with her when she enters a room.

There are a few different ways to do this. Try to “gaze” at her with just the right kind of “Yeah, I want you…” energy.

I know that can be tough to visualize, so sometimes it’s easier to think something like, “You and I both know we want each other…” with a small smirk on your face. Without trying, your face will naturally show what you’re thinking.

Your energy is key too. Don’t be the starving guy who finally sees a cooked turkey and runs over to eat it…

Instead, be the cool lion who eyes a gazelle on the plain…biding his time… not over-eager…  knows he’s the man… and then when she doesn’t suspect it? Pounce!

By making this eye contact, you’re appealing to a different set of rules in her “lizard brain” that overrides whatever ridiculous sex and dating rules she’s established for herself…

…and replaces them with powerful cues that you control and she acts on subconsciously, without even knowing what they are. Pretty cool, right?

2) Use this “Handshake Trick” to Start Touching Her (Even in a Business Meeting)

Did you know that over 90% of all communication is done without words?

That means that most of the time, we communicate with things like facial expressions, body language, and touch.

Touch is by far the most powerful of these. That’s because women respond to emotions, and you can convey a lot of emotion through a simple touch.

Think about the difference between tapping someone on the shoulder to get their attention to talk to them, and tapping them on the shoulder because you want to fight. You can tell a big difference without ever seeing the person, right?

In the same way, women can sense your emotions and intentions almost entirely through touch!

Because touch creates a powerful emotional reaction in her mind, it’s one of the most effective ways to bypass these “rules” she’s created for who she’ll date and go home with.

To see how it works, next time you’re interested in a woman in a public place, or a business meeting, try this handshake secret on her:

When you’re introduced to her, maintain your strong, warm eye contact. Then take her hand and shake it normally…except linger for an extra 3-5 seconds longer than you normally would.

(Any longer than that and you start to get into “creepy” territory).

Don’t be surprised if she smiles or even bites her lip a little bit–she’ll know what’s going on…but no one else will! That’s why you can use it around work colleagues, friends, or people on the street without them ever realizing what’s up.

rewrite her rules

3) How to Kiss Practically Any Girl

Once she sees you as a potential lover, the final obstacle to clearing out the rest of her “rules” is to kiss her.

After you’ve kissed her, she’s essentially thrown all of her “rules” out of the window. It doesn’t matter if you’re fat, bald, splotchy, whatever–the kiss shows that she now sees you as a sexual option.

This is one instance where it’s a lot easier to show you, step-by-step, how to do this instead of telling you. So check out this video I made on how to go in for the kiss:

Secure the kiss, and you’ll clear out all of her “old rules” — it’s that simple…

4) The Easiest Way to Start “Rewriting Her Rules”

Now that you’ve shown her that her old rules don’t matter, you can start to “rewrite” her rules of who she’ll date and go home with…

using this weird “Connecting Caress” I learned from a psychologist on a cross-country flight (no joke) that works on a woman’s lizard brain in a weird, subtle, subconscious way that she can’t resist…

Take this hot woman who caught my eye at the beach a while back. Each time I passed by, she looked the other direction and grimaced…(maybe she saw some of the spots on my skin?).

A couple of years earlier, I would’ve sulked home, shoulders slunked, hands in my pockets…alone again…

But this time, I smirked and sauntered up to her…and used the “Connecting Caress” the psychologist showed me to “rewrite her rules”…

Within seconds, my hand was casually resting on her leg…were those goosebumps I felt? She leaned into me…nice…

Fast-forward 90 minutes later…we were back at her place…I couldn’t close the door fast enough before she tore off her clothes and…

Wait–I don’t want to give it all away…you see, I had my buddy with a hidden camera film the whole thing, from when I first met this girl until we got back to her place…

…so you’ll get to see the “Connecting Caress” in action, and just how powerful it can be. Watch it here, you’ll love it:

The “Connecting Caress” That No Woman Can Resist…

P.S. – Believe it or not, I’m kind of a private guy, so I’m only going to keep this up for a limited time. If you click the link above and it doesn’t work, you can always click here for more of my great free tips and tricks that you can use with women as soon as tonight

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