If She Cheated, Is It Over? This Marriage Counselor’s Advice Might Surprise You…

what to do if she cheated

Exactly What to Do if She Cheated: Should You Always Let Her Go?

What does it mean when someone “cheats”?

It might seem like a silly question… but the fact of the matter is, cheating means very different things to different people.

Some people believe that cheating is when a partner sleeps with another person…

Other people believe in “emotional cheating,” or when a partner confides & becomes very close to another person without the other partner knowing…

And still other people believe that the act of flirting with another person is enough to qualify as “cheating” (though many people have been calling this “micro-cheating” as well).

But regardless of your definition, there’s no denying that cheating–in any form–straight up sucks.

It’s ruined thousands of relationships… and many people see cheating as the ultimate form of “deal breaker.”

But what if it doesn’t have to be that way?

According to one marriage counselor, it is, in fact, possible to save your relationship after someone cheated.

So today, I’m going to explain why this is the case, and how to tell if your relationship can get back to “normal” after cheating.

Why Do Women Cheat in the First Place?

Before we talk about how to save a relationship post-affair, let’s answer one very important question:

Why the hell do women cheat in the first place?

To some, the answer may seem obvious. She felt attracted to another man and acted on it.

However, in reality, it’s almost never this simple.

Sometimes, a woman will cheat because she becomes bored…

Or maybe she’s not getting the sexual attention she needs…

Perhaps she’s looking for a change that her boyfriend or husband isn’t providing…

And maybe it’s a combination of the three.

Whatever the case, it’s clear that women cheat for a number of reasons.

And it’s this reason that will give you the answer to whether or not your relationship can be saved.

How To Tell if It’s “Really Over” Or if the Relationship Can Be Saved…

Basically, if you find out that a woman cheated on you, you should ask yourself one question:

Do I still want to be in this relationship? Or am I “over it”?

If you still want her, then your relationship is salvageable.

The next step is to figure out why she cheated.

Because many women cheat for many different reasons, her answer can give you some very important information about your relationship that you may have been missing before.

Maybe she hasn’t been feeling as desired as you used to make her feel–there’s something you can work on if that’s the case.

Or it’s possible that her emotional needs aren’t being met. Do you tell her you love her? Do you talk about your hopes and dreams for your future together?

If not, these are discussions you should be having together.

Finally, maybe she simply feels like you aren’t opening up enough to her. So include her in your life a little more, and this will make repairing your relationship a LOT easier.

Sometimes, though, you may need to pull in some outside help. Yup, I’m talking about couples therapy.

When Is Couples Therapy a Good Idea?

If you’re serious about repairing your relationship after cheating, then you should absolutely consider couples therapy as an option.

According to Esther Perel, a psychotherapist who works out of NYC:

People who’ve been betrayed need to know that there’s no shame in staying in the marriage–they’re not doormats, they’re warriors… Betrayal cuts to the bone, but the wound can be healed. Plenty of people care deeply for the well-being of their partners even while lying to them, just as plenty of those who have been betrayed continue to love the ones who lied to them and want to find a way to stay together.”

Long story short, cheating does not mean your relationship is over.

It doesn’t mean you need to get divorced, and it doesn’t mean you’re not worthy of love from your partner.

Yes, it means you’ll have to work to get back to where you were before. But it also means your relationship will be much healthier–and happier–for it.

So if you’ve decided that you want to work things out, where should you start (aside from couples therapy)?

Here’s something that should help you out with that:

what to do if she cheated

The Easiest Way to Repair Your Relationship After Cheating…

Is pretty straightforward:

You have to treat her like you did when you first started dating.

Like the marriage counselor mentioned, this can give your relationship a “fresh start”… will make her more excited to be with you (and ONLY you)… and will help you find that “spark” that got the two of you together in the first place.

But I know… if it’s “been a while” since you’ve slept together… or gone out on a date… or even spent quality time together… where do you start???

Don’t worry—Magic’s guide has you covered.

It shows you, step by step, how to be the dominant, “alpha” man she craves… using a few very simple body language & touching techniques, that practically any guy can pull off…

And you can watch Magic demonstrate them on a hot model right here:

How To Be the Guy That Every Woman Craves: Click here to Discover Magic’s Famous Seduction Secrets…

P.S. If you think things are “beyond repair”… then I highly recommend you check out this list of 7 “Sex Signs” women give off when they’re interested in you. You might be surprised to see how many hot women secretly want you…

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