How To Text a Girl You Like in ANY Situation [Custom Cheat Sheet]

what to text a girl you like

Gotham Club Founder Reveals Exactly What to Text a Girl You Like for More Dates & Sex–Even If She’s Not Responding at All Right Now…

Click Here to Discover 5 Copy & Paste Texts That Get Hot Girls to Drop Everything And Come Over For Sex…

Hey man, it’s Craig… and if you’re wondering what to text a girl you like, I’ve got something awesome for you today.

It’s no secret that your text game these days is arguably as important–if not more important–than your game in person.

I mean, think about it:

More girls than ever are using online dating… and usually, between the time you make a match and get her out on a date… there’s at least SOME texting involved.

On top of that, when you get a girl’s number, you’ll probably have to text her first before you get her out on a date with you.

These days, knowing what to text a girl you like can get you dates and sex faster than you ever thought possible. But on the flipside, a less-than-great texting game can prevent you from getting any of this.

So that’s what I want to talk about today.

I want to share my 3 most effective texting resources that I currently have at my disposal. These are resources that are chock-full of great information and show you exactly what to text a girl you like, including:

  • How to get girls to text back even if they haven’t responded in hours or days…
  • What to text a girl to get her to come over for same-night sex…
  • And the best words & phrases to send a girl to get her out on a date with you without any chance of flaking or “ghosting.”

These resources will show you how to overcome the biggest texting problems guys face today, and ultimately, they’ll show you what to text a girl you like in any situation, so that you have the kind of texting game that you can use to get fast sex and dates from girls whenever you want.

So let’s go ahead and jump in with resource #1:

1) If You Want More Texts Back & Dates With ZERO Flakiness…

A lot of guys these days deal with women who either:

a) Will text back or agree to a date but then flake out or “ghost”… or:

b) Just stop texting back eventually, or only text back one-word answers like “k.”

It’s one of the biggest frustrations I see today… and that’s why I made this Video Texting Playbook to get you more dates and fewer flakes.

In this video, you’ll see:

  • My dead-simple 7 step formula to get a girl’s number and decrease the chances that she’ll cancel your date or stop texting back to almost zero (13:30).
  • The 3 major reasons why women give you their phone number and don’t respond (and how to turn the tables so it never happens to you) (28:57).
  • My easy “3-Step Bridge” formula with specific texts to get a girl from your first meeting to the date (and prevent her from flaking) (38:02).

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

So if you’d like to see exactly how to text girls for more dates and zero flakes, click here to check out the video right now.

How To Text a Girl You Like

2) If You Want to Turn Things Sexual (No Matter What Time of Day it Is Or Even If She Stopped Responding)…

Here’s the truth:

A lot of guys tend to be way too “PC” when they text girls.

And as a result of them playing it safe, girls get bored and stop responding.

So if you’re texting a girl you like, and you want to turn things sexual, how do you do it in a way that’s not too over-the-top?

It’s a great question… and for a long time I wondered the exact same thing… but since then, I’ve learned that the easiest way to get sexual with a girl over text, is to follow this simple 4-step method.

Whether you’re texting her during your lunch break… late at night on a weekend… or even early in the morning in some cases… this method will show you, step-by-step the exact words and phrases to text her to turn her on, and make her want sex with you right away.

But be warned!

This method is quite counterintuitive… which is why we made this short, free guide to show you exactly how it’s done right here.

So if you’d like to quickly get sexual with a girl over text, or even get her to come over to your place for same-night sex… click here now to see the 4-step method that gets it done fast.

3) If You Want to Get Her to Meet Up For Sex Right Away (Works On “Good Girls” Too)…

This resource is one of my personal favorites, because it’s the fastest way I know to get a girl to meet up with you for sex right away (no strings attached).

It comes from my fellow expert & texting guru Glenn Pearce… and it’s his list of 5 “copy-and-paste” texts that get hot girls to drop everything and meet up for sex fast.

Again, these are texts you can send a girl at literally any time of day (even if it’s 2 A.M.), and in just about any situation (including if you haven’t met her yet), and they work to get her to come over for sex right away.

I think my favorite is probably the “Howard Stern trick”… but just click the one you want to know more about below:

1) If You Want to Get Her to Meet Up Or Come Over (Without Sounding “Needy”)…

2) The “Howard Stern Trick” That Gets Her H*rny…

3) The “Excuse Herself Exchange” That Gets Her to Come Over…

4) If She Asks You A Question (This Instantly Turns Things Sexual)…

5) If She Mentions The Shower…

I hope these texting resources help you as much as they’ve helped me and my buddies lately–becuase like I said, these days, a good texting game is key if you want more dates and fast sex.

Your Wingman,


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