Why Women Flake: The Truth

why women flake

Discover the Shocking Reason Why Women Love to Flake (And How to Prevent it From Happening to You Ever Again)

I used to think a woman who flaked on me just wasn’t interested.

“Hey, I’m really busy…can we reschedule?” Yeah right. See ya never.

At least that’s what I thought until I learned the 100% Flake technique — the trick I showed you a while back where you flake on a woman without any explanation (more on that in a second).

But after writing that article, I realized something…something maybe even more important than learning how and when to use the 100% Flake.

I realized that before you can successfully use the 100% Flake, it’s important to understand the real reason why women flake.

So today, I’m going to show you that.

Why Flaking on Her Can Give You One Big Advantage

First let’s talk about why the 100% Flake works.

Women – especially women with a lot of social experience and women who are particularly attractive – are almost unaffected by things that all men do.

Women – unlike men – are not really interested in all members of the opposite sex, they want someone special.

And for that reason, they ignore the things that all guys have in common. For example, they ignore the standard compliments guys give, because all guys give her those same compliments, like:

  • “You’re so beautiful”…
  • “You must get a lot of attention”…
  • “Are you a model?”…

Yawn. She’s heard it all.

The 2 things she wants most in a man — confidence and self-acceptance — are demonstrated to her when you flake on her without any explanation. When you give her the 100% Flake.

The 100% Flake takes advantage of her natural curiosity about confident, self-accepting men, while adding one of the most powerful attention grabbers there is: Drama.

The #1 Reason Why Women Flake

This is the #1 reason why women flake: Because it creates Drama.

If you show up on time, every time, no matter if she flakes or not…you might think you’re demonstrating how reliable you are…

But in reality, you’re just boring her.

In her mind, the one thing she KNOWS for sure is that you’ll show up and listen to her go on and on about the other guy she likes for an hour without putting up a fight.

So the 100% Flake is an extreme plot twist.

Because when you flake on her without an explanation, you’re changing her perception of how important she is to you.

She goes from being 100% certain that you’ll be there no matter what…

To being completely uncertain about what you’ll do next. And because she craves this Drama, the chances that she’ll stick around to figure out what you do next skyrocket.

The trick is to observe her reaction to your 100% Flake and go from there. There are 3 of these possible reactions: I call them the “Yes,” “No,” and “Maybe” responses:

1) The “Yes” Response

She might call the next day to make sure everything is OK with you.

“Do you have time to meet up?” Or…

“Is now OK to talk?”

If she does this, she’ll probably attempt to reel you back in with some of her moves that got you hooked on her in the first place:

  • Flirting with you…
  • Smiling a lot…
  • Making cute jokes…
  • Saying suggestive things, like “I just got out of the shower, give me a minute to put something on”…

When you 100% flake on a woman, you demonstrate that she might lose the value you bring to your relationship with her.

So this flirty behavior is her way of showing you that she’s afraid of losing your value. It’s her way of telling you, “Yes, I really DO care about you!”

Thing is, it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s attracted to you. But more on that in a second…

2) The “No” Response

If she does nothing when you flake on her, this is what I call the “No” response. It’s her way of saying, “No, I don’t value you or the time you give me, and I don’t care about the relationship we have.”

While it seems like this is the worst response she can give you, in many cases it is actually the best thing she can do.


Because this gives you an immediate, absolute answer to the question: “Do I have a chance with this woman?”

And because you know the answer is “No,” you can confidently move on and spend your time focusing on other, better women.

Chances are she’ll start regretting her decision to do nothing by the time you meet someone new.

3) The “Maybe” Response

More likely than not, she’s going to give you a combination of “Yes” and “No” in response to your 100% flake. This is what I call the “Maybe” response.

She might wait more than a day to reach out to you…

But when she does, she’ll be super sweet. In her mind, this is exactly the Drama she wants — the kind she’s already addicted to.

So she’ll act like she likes you…but does it mean she’s really interested?

Not necessarily. Here’s the truth: The 100% Flake can’t force a woman to fall for you — but it will change the image she has of you in her mind.

The mere fact that you had the guts to ignore her without an apology or an explanation suggests — and momentarily proves — that you’re not desperate. And that sparks her interest in you almost automatically.

The trick is to take that spark and turn it into a burning desire to chase you all the way home…

And here’s how to do that:

Why Women Flake: The Truth

How to Use the “Covert Caress” to Spike Her Sexual Desire for YOU…

Fact: Flaky women respond more to touch than to words.

Why? Because to a flaky woman, words are just excuses: “Sorry, I’m soooo busy…can we reschedule? :)” You know it, I know it: It’s B.S.

But touch? Touch makes her feel something…and with the right kind of touch, you can blow past all of her excuses…

And trigger the sexual center of her brain…without saying a single word.

But…how to do it without scaring her away? She is flaky, after all…

That’s where the “Covert Caress” comes in — it’s a subtle, specific touch that tells her, “I’m the type of man you want to be with”…

And it only takes 3 seconds, so she won’t have a clue what you’re doing…but you might notice her eyes light up…

Or that she leans closer to you…

And believe it or not, she might even make the first move!

Now, this “Covert Caress” doesn’t work 100% of the time…but for a single woman who has a tendency to flake, this touch will help you spark her sexual attraction so that you’re the one in control.

So check it out — you’ll love it:

How to Use the “Covert Caress” to Spike Her Sexual Desire for YOU…

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